Morris Grubbs has directed Graduate Student Professional Enhancement at the University of Kentucky since 2007 and has served as Assistant Dean of the Graduate School since 2010. His office oversees campus-wide TA development, the Preparing Future Faculty/Professionals Program, the Graduate Certificate in College Teaching and Learning, graduate career diversification initiatives, the GradDegree+ Program, and transferable skills development workshops and events, including UK GradResearch Live! and UK GradTeach Live! His office advises the Graduate Student Congress, an active legislative and advocacy body representing approximately 5,000 graduate students, 2,000 professional students, and 250 postdoctoral trainees. Before transitioning to administration, he taught literature and writing for ten years as a professor of English at a liberal arts college. He holds a bachelor’s of science degree in English (minor in Biology), a master’s in English, and a PhD in English with a focus on the short story internationally. He is editor of three university press books, including Home and Beyond: An Anthology of Kentucky Short Stories and Conversations with Wendell Berry.